Waitomo, NZ- 100m absailing
Well, thats me in NZ, a photo I thought I would share. I guess that was a more literal way of hanging out, but in my day to day life at this point, I am feeling much the same as I look in that picture. No, I dont spend hours a day suspended on a small rope seemingly miles about the earths surface, but I am in that place in life right now where the Lord has me just waiting, and for what I am not sure. If you are someone like me, that is a huge request. I like to have a plan, a mission, and be working diligently towards it. I dont like to be waiting around, looking around, feeling like everyone else is on their mission and passing me by. I am not patient by nature, for those of you who know me, that is not a surprise. I have to work hard and be intentional about being patient, and thats a lesson I am learning day by day, and expect I will continue to learn until Jesus returns.
As I have been going through and listening to a sermon series on several chapters in Matthew, I was really encouraged to yet again hear preaching about grace. Something said that really struck me was this. We are offered total forgiveness for our sins in this world, in this lifetime, but sometimes total healing has to wait until the world to come. This is the grace that is offered to me, and to each of you, through Jesus's death on the cross. This quote refers to the healing of the paralytic in Matt 9, in reference to the fact that there were many others whom Jesus forgave, but did not heal instantly. I am responsible for the decisions and choices I make in this lifetime, and sometimes I make bad ones, shocking I know! ;-) But these bad decisions need no longer seperate me from the Father, or close doors in my relationship with Him. Instead, I find myself now more than ever, daily coming back to Him, empty handed, saying Lord, I need more grace. And b/c of Jesus, I know the response I receive is, Jordan I love you, here you are. I know these lessons may sound basic and obvious, but the truth in them never ceases to give me goosebumps. So, I press on, waiting on the Lord, loving His people where I am, and trying harder each day to be more patient, and more like Jesus, that I was the day before.
Well, thats me in NZ, a photo I thought I would share. I guess that was a more literal way of hanging out, but in my day to day life at this point, I am feeling much the same as I look in that picture. No, I dont spend hours a day suspended on a small rope seemingly miles about the earths surface, but I am in that place in life right now where the Lord has me just waiting, and for what I am not sure. If you are someone like me, that is a huge request. I like to have a plan, a mission, and be working diligently towards it. I dont like to be waiting around, looking around, feeling like everyone else is on their mission and passing me by. I am not patient by nature, for those of you who know me, that is not a surprise. I have to work hard and be intentional about being patient, and thats a lesson I am learning day by day, and expect I will continue to learn until Jesus returns.
As I have been going through and listening to a sermon series on several chapters in Matthew, I was really encouraged to yet again hear preaching about grace. Something said that really struck me was this. We are offered total forgiveness for our sins in this world, in this lifetime, but sometimes total healing has to wait until the world to come. This is the grace that is offered to me, and to each of you, through Jesus's death on the cross. This quote refers to the healing of the paralytic in Matt 9, in reference to the fact that there were many others whom Jesus forgave, but did not heal instantly. I am responsible for the decisions and choices I make in this lifetime, and sometimes I make bad ones, shocking I know! ;-) But these bad decisions need no longer seperate me from the Father, or close doors in my relationship with Him. Instead, I find myself now more than ever, daily coming back to Him, empty handed, saying Lord, I need more grace. And b/c of Jesus, I know the response I receive is, Jordan I love you, here you are. I know these lessons may sound basic and obvious, but the truth in them never ceases to give me goosebumps. So, I press on, waiting on the Lord, loving His people where I am, and trying harder each day to be more patient, and more like Jesus, that I was the day before.