This photo of Julia and I was taken in Feb during our visit to Washington DC. It has nothing to do with my post, but is a cool picture so I wanted to share!
These months back in Pgh have given me many opportunities to think back over my Relay lessons, and remember grace. I know that is one thing that has definately changed in me since leaving Pgh. And it has given me a whole new perspective on life.
As Easter is upon us, I am reminded yet again of the fact that it is not because of anything I do that I am saved, but it has everything to do with what Jesus has done for me. I try daily to share the reality of that grace with those around me. I am reminded of how sinful I am, and how often I fall short of living like Jesus among my friends and family. But yet again, I go back to grace. Friends remind me. Its not about you Jordan. Its about Jesus. Its always about Jesus.
This Easter I hope you can rejoice and find great joy in celebrating all that Jesus did for us by not only dying on the cross, but by overcoming death, rising again, and giving us the promise of a life in heaven with him forever!! WOO HOO!!!!