Sunday, December 04, 2005

Christmas is coming...

Gosh. Its crazy to me how busy the world gets a Christmas time. It gets so busy in fact that it is nearly impossible to keep an sane lifestyle around Christmas time. Even if you are working hard at not getting caught up in the rush, the craziness of traffic, shops, friends, and co workers is still enough to get you sucked in in one way or another. Santa, reindeer, elves, presents, food, parties, and on and on and on. Is a fake fat man in a big red suit really worth all this fuss?? Why arent are families and friends this important to us all year long? Why are they only super important at this time of year? I know even I am guilty in small ways of feeling this way at least once in a while, but just b/c we think this way doesnt make it right.

To help me keep persepective so far this Christmas, as the songs have been playing non stop on all the radio stations in town, I have really enjoyed listening to the words and reflecting on the gospel messages of Jesus Christ that fill the lines of most of the good old tunes.

For example: Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,


Silent night, holy night,
Son of God, love’s pure light;
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth,


Yea, Lord, we greet Thee,
Born this happy morning,
Jesus, to Thee be
All glory giv'n;
Word of the Father,
Now in the flesh appearing!

What an awesome God we serve. And how awesome where the old hymn writers of years gone by of capturing that amazing message. Whats your favorite Christmas hymn?? Enjoy the season. Christ, our Savior, was BORN!


Nathan said...

Hello! Just got back from the Biblical Evangelism Conference last night (which was awesome) to discover you have a blog! Hoorah! Welcome to the gang. Not sure about my favourite carol but I love Once In Royal David's City with it finishing on stuff about seeing Him not a lowly stable but at God's right hand. Nice. Take care.

mallangong said...

The Coca Cola advert was on the TV the other night, it is definitely nearly Christmas now.